Tray Adhesive
Tray Adhesive
Paint-on or spray-on, make your material stay put with adhesive to adhere impression materials to your impression trays.
Be specific
Healthcare Supply supplies VPS, polyether, and alginate tray adhesives. Please be sure to check the style you need before purchasing. Where there are many options for the VPS adhesives including Kerr, Sultan, GC America and Coltene; polyether and alginates don’t have that luxury. 3M is the only brand polyether adhesive (for Impregum) and Bosworth TAC that is for alginates. TAC comes in both paint-on and spray-on options.
Brand loyalty
While saving money is more important than ever any VPS adhesive will work with any VPS impression material, whether it is fast set or regular set. Don’t let a price tag scare you away, because there are some larger bottles available with heftier tags, you just won’t have to change out the bottles as much.
Brands you like, Prices you’ll love
We carry many name brands as well as economical brands of tray adhesives. Be sure to check out other related categories such as Impression Trays, Alginate Alternatives, and Tray Cleaner.